Thursday, November 26, 2009

Streamline moderne, late-era art deco

Art deco from Bryan and Vernon, Texas, and Albuquerque, New Mexico. Streamline art moderne is my favorite. A few more example of art deco architecture in downtown Bryan, Texas.

Print shop office, Bryan Avenue, Downtown Bryan, Texas

Streamline art moderne: La Fonda Hotel, Vernon, Texas, with wide-radius curves, long horizontal elements, and glass block. Love it!

Service station, Bryan, Texas

Law office, Bryan, Texas

S&S Auction house, downtown Bryan, Texas

Faux art deco, highway sign, Cline's Corner, New Mexico

Faux art deco, Route 66 Casino Roadrunner cafe, west of Albuquerque. Interestingly, I sat at the counter next to a friendly trucker of the shaved head/Van Dyke beard/sunglass variety. Going against stereotypes, I enjoyed a trucker's breakfast of Indian fry bread, green chiles, eggs, and beans with coffee. Meanwhile, he tucked into a camper's breakfast of oatmeal, dried cranberries, and coffee.

Updated December 6, 2009.

Fabulous collection of streamline modern architecture.

Wonderful collection of streamline moderne design.

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