Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Independence Day

Talk about a traditional Independence Day celebration! Independence Day eve was a Brazos Bombers college summer league baseball game. With a sandwich-eating contest. With an amazing fireworks display. Spiral rockets are the new thing in pyrotechnics. The next morning, I bicycled to the Brazos Heritage Society's annual fete in Heritage Park, Bryan. First was a kid's parade, with a young Statue of Liberty leading decorated bicycles and wagons in a circuit around the park. The most enjoyable diversion was a wonderful classic car show sponsored by the Studebaker Club.

Studebaker celebrating the rocket

1950s Studebaker


Classic country and gospel in the gazebo on a 100-degree day.

Then home to assemble a grill for a cookout.

My favorite part is the hardware blister pack labeled front and back with the letter designators of each nut, bolt, and washer. No more stapled plastic bags with mystery bolts.

Oh dear, the predrilled holes are an inch narrower than the handle bolts. Customer service will send the proper handle.

Done, sans handle.

That evening was cookout followed by a contra dance. Contra dancing is a speed-dating mixed with square dancing. It's a traditional dance, with dos-i-dos, allemandes, etc., with each person progressively dancing with every other person of opposite gender in the set. All with a caller and life band. After dancing, time out for watching morefireworks. Great fun.